This may come to you as a Jack out of the box when I say that crystal-clear, instant, and low-latency communication with customers is what would make your business grow rapidly, but trust me, it is true, and for that SIP calling plays a key role.
Because, your firm’s success entirely depends on how you communicate with other brands, your partners, and customers and whether the communication is reliable or outdated.
And using phone calls for carrying out these can be hectic and piggy-full, then you may want to consider a SIP trunk provider, with which you can run chats, voice calls, and video calls in a jiffy.
So, what is SIP and how can it improve the call quality? We will see all these in the blog below.
What is SIP Calling?
SIP, in short for Session Initiation Protocol, is nothing but a signaling protocol that transmits the voice calls of the users (which are the analog signals) via the internet and sends it to the receiver.
Simply put, it makes use of VoIP to transfer these analog signals over a SIP trunk of a channel. And most of you might confuse SIP with VoIP and think it to be the same, well, SIP uses VoIP to transmit calls.
SIP Voice Calls – How does it work?
Before getting in detail on how it really works, you need to learn some of the basics of a traditional phone system.
And a phone system may consist of the following:
1. PBX – Also called as the private branch exchange is nothing but your calling system or an on-premise system that handles all the calls.
2. PRI – This is the primary rate interface that is nothing but lines that connect your calls to the PSTN.
3. PSTN – Also called as the public switched telephone network is a network that routes calls to the receiver’s end.
This is how a normal phone call works, and if you use a SIP trunk then it removes the PRI lines and directly connects the PBX to the PSTN.
Additionally, with SIP protocol, you get call management features like auto attendants, call forwarding, voicemails, and more.
SIP Callings – What are the benefits
So far we have seen that SIP calls are greatly beneficial for boosting business communication and taking the company forward. Now, we will see what more it does, meaning its real perks.
1. Cost-effective mode of communication
One of the major costs that most of the businesses incur these days is the really scary phone bills. However, by using the SIP call software feature, they have reduced the billing cost by 70%.
Isn’t this a huge difference! Well yes and we can achieve this through
– no need for additional hardware unit
– alleviates the higher installation and maintenance costs
– gives unlimited international calling than the per-minute charge
– prime perk is no disruption of service, as a result of which, you would not lose business
2. Easy scalability
Now, you might ask me, “My phone bills have reduced which is the best part, but my user base is growing and because of it, will I again end up paying more.”
Well here, the answer is no. Because, earlier when you were using phone lines, you would want to hire people to expand lines or expand new locations. But, with SIP, everything happens over the internet, voice calls to group video calls and instant messaging.
So, you do not need any new physical lines just because your phone numbers are more.
3. High-quality and reliable calls
When you use a phone line and a power cut, or a system failure, or bad weather happens, then everything goes down. And your customers would not like poor-quality phone calls and they would leave your business.
However, luck is on your part when you use SIP. As the protocol ensures you send and receive calls without any latency and in high-quality even during such unpredictable situations.
4. Excellent user experience
We have come to the last benefit and it is easiness. If you think SIP is difficult to handle and you need more people to look after it and train them, then you are wrong.
Because, you can manage your entire business phone system like routing, extensions, addition of phone lines, and more from your account’s UI.
It’s that simple.
Difference between SIP Calling and VoIP
Most of you might think that SIP and VoIP are the same and there are no such differences among them. But, the reality is that they are different and no business is encouraging customers to choose between the two.
And SIP uses VoIP to make calls. To explain these two technologies and how they are different, we will see a tabular breakdown.
S.No | SIP | VoIP |
1 | Highly used to start, modify, and end multimedia calls like VoIP | Used to make and receive calls via the internet |
2 | Send packets via the internet that can include voice, video, or data | Sends only voice over the internet and hence is named as VoIP |
3 | SIP phones do not need a computer to function | VoIP phones need a computer and once connected they can run |
4 | SIP uses SIP proxy to ensure messages or voice calls are received in original formats | VoIP does not use a single technology, but uses multiple ones |
It’s A Closure- Make your business SIP ready!
Here we are, at the end of the post, and by now, you would have got the idea that SIP is used to remove the outdated PRI technology that just increases the phone bills.
And as you step into SIP, you can see how well your business is performing and how you can build a powerful communication system that renders multiple features like call routing, forwarding, and more with ease.
And if you are planning to expand your branch to a new location or growing your business then worry less, ad SIP scales your needs well.